Battery Industry under Covid Attack-Sh. Ramesh of HPPL passed away in Gurgram Hospital
One More Death from CORONA in Hyderabad- Many Batterymen are infected throu-out India

Sh. Ramesh ji, President of HPPL, hyderabad and Mittal Batteries, passed away on 18th April 2021 in Gurgram private Hospital.
He was hust 64 years of age and was working perfectly. Hyderabad Battery Association presodent Sh. Madan ji informed that he had light fever but not any sevior complaint. Suddenly the condition become worsen and he was taken to Hospital. After just 3 days of hospitalization, the Bettle ends with his death.
His Son Sh. Dinesh is also got hospitalized due to continue fever. Plz pray for his speedy recovery.
Indian SME Battery Industry is loosing stars of his Galaxy one by One. Plz take care and be secure.