Mr Saleem passed away: Covid fury continues.
It is a misery to lose a human being like Mr. Saleem who used to teach about the technicality and efficiency of batteries moreover for a very long time he gave technical tips to battery men through to internet media. He was a person who was wide awake about the battery industry and was always outspoken and stood for misdeeds in the industry.

After 2 months of the brawl with covid, a well-known Battery man from Ajmer, Mr. Saleem Qureshi passed away on June 1st, 2021 at the age of 57, Mr. Saleem lost his life due to post symptoms of the Corona Virus. The infection affected his lungs badly for what he was getting treatment for.
Mr. Saleem’s thoughts and ideologies were beyond those orthodox beliefs. He Used to work consistently for social and communal harmony also he was compassionate towards helping poor families financially moreover he helped them marrying their daughter.
After the infection was cured Mr. Saleem was kept on high-pressure oxygen in the Nisam Hospital due to the inability of his lungs which led to an even more serious condition and the result was that Mr. Salim was no more.
It is a misery to lose a human being like Mr. Saleem who used to teach about the technicality and efficiency of batteries moreover for a very long time he gave technical tips to battery men through to internet media. He was a person who was wide awake about the battery industry and was always outspoken and stood for misdeeds in the industry.
Mr. Saleem’s father Mr. Sarvar Qureshi was a much-respected Individual, still, people take his name with all due respect because behind many battery man successful businesses Mr. Sarvar Qureshi was the man who brought them into the industry and nurtured their success.
Mr. Saleem served Rajasthan battery Association as an exquisite member. As he served the battery industry his sons Jen Qureshi and Waseem Qureshi also serve the industry through their respective firms named Aska Industries and Allied Industries. Coronavirus took him from a very plentiful family.
Rajasthan storage trade Association Expressed: That they have lost and a former member and valuable individual who was always there with us in pleasures and misery. May he accepts our prayers and May his soul rest in peace.
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