North India Lead Trade and Recyclers form an Association (NILMA) to fight against Illegal Harassments and Fake Billing
Fake Billing is killing the Industry and the unreasonable tax structure for a small scrap dealer pushing the lead business to worst situations.

A meeting was held at Delhi Gymkhana Club on 08 March 2021 with the aim to form an Association to find the ways to control Fraud Billing in Lead Trade & Industry and to fight for illegal harassment by government officials.
According to President Sh. Ramesh Aggarwal ji, fake billing fraud is killing the lead industry day by day. They said that they are planning to represent the industry in central government under new Association (NILMA) at various level to uproot the problems. They are going to suggest a Solution to government as to tax purchase of Battery Scrap at 5%, rest 13% to taxed as Reverse Charges, which is paid by purchaser.
With this tax method, small scrap dealer can be billed easily with a nominal rate of 5%. The meeting was attended by major lead traders and Recyclers.
Following decisions were taken:
1. Name of the Association will be "North India Lead Manufacturers Association" (NILMA).
2. Criteria for membership
- (a) Valid NOC/CTO from pollution department
- (b) PAN/Aadhaar card
- (c) Should be an owner of land and plant
3. Membership fees
- (a) Production upto 5000 ton/ year - Rs.25,000
- (b) above 5000 ton/ year -Rs.50,000
4..Registered office of association will be in Delhi
5. The office bearers decided are as under:
- President - Mr.Ramesh Aggarwal (Mittal Pigments Pvt. Ltd. Kota)
- Vice President - Mr. Shanti Kumar Ramsisaria ( President, Nabco Group)
- Vice President - Mr.Rajiv Sahaya (Diwakar Enterprises)
- Secretary - Mr.Nalin Garg ( Vardan Alloys and Pigments, Ghaziabad)
- Treasurer - Mr.Vijay Parekh ( Gravita India Limited)
6..Maximum of 21 members can be part of Governing Board and with representative from following States
- Delhi
- Jammu and Kashmir
- Himachal Pradesh
- Uttarakhand
- Punjab
- Haryana
- Chandigarh
- Uttar Pradesh
- Rajasthan
A new guidelines issued by GST department for procurement and to identify fake billing will be shared to our members by the lawyer.
An appeal will be made to different members of GST council under this association.
The efforts for meeting with the GST council members will be done by Sh.Vijay ji, Sh.Ramesh ji and Sh.Amit Goel.
The meeting ended with cocktail and dinner.