अमरोन को बंद करने का आदेश क्यों आया
अमरोन बैटरी की फैक्ट्री को बंद करने का आदेश बेहद चौंकाने वाला था। बैटरी की क्वालिटी हो या वहाँ काम करने वालों के लिए सुरक्षा और बेहतर वातावरण या काम करने तरीका, हर तरफ से अमर राजा को एक मिसाल के रूप मे याद किया जाता है। तो फिर ऐसा क्या हुआ जो इस फैक्ट्री को बंद करने के आदेश दे दिए गए? और क्या ये एक दम हो गया? और क्या कारण रहे जो देश के बैटरी उद्योग की दूसरे नंबर की कंपनी की दो उत्पादन इकाइयों को बंद करने का आदेश आया।

बड़ी बात ये की जिन कारणों से इसे बंद करने के आदेश आए, उसमे हमारी इकाइयां कितनी खरी उतरती हैं ? यदि ऐसा नहीं है तो ये तलवार उन सब इकाइयों पर लटक रही है जो प्रदूषण नियमों की अवहेलना करती हैं और पर्यावरण स्वच्छता का ध्यान नहीं रख रही है।
आज नहीं तो कल ऐसी इकाइयों पर भी ताला लग सकता है।
आइए विस्तार से जानते हैं की अमरोन को बंद करने का आदेश क्यों आया और प्रदूषण विभाग को कहाँ कहाँ कमियाँ मिली। उनके आदेश मे जो कारण बताए गए वो इस प्रकार है-
- प्रदूषण विभाग के अनुसार अमरोन ने उत्पादन शुरू करने की शर्तों का उल्लंघन किया, पर्यावरण को प्रदूषित किया और उस क्षेत्र के निवासियों के स्वास्थ्य को खतरे मे डाला।
- फैक्ट्री के अंदर और बाहर – हवा और मिट्टी मे लैड की मात्र तय सीमा से अधिक पाई गई
- फैक्ट्री के पास तालाब और नाले मे भी एलईएडी की मात्र तय सीमा से अधिक पाई गई
- यह भी पाया गया की फैक्ट्री के गंदे पानी को बिना ETP संयंत्र से साफ किए गैरकानूनी रूप से पास के बरसाती नाले मे बहाया जा रहा था
- जो पानी बहाया गया उसमे शामिल लैड के कण वहाँ की मिट्टी मे जम गए और मिट्टी को प्रदूषित कर दिया
- 99.9 प्रतिशत कर्मचारियों के रक्त मे एलईएडी की मात्र तय सीमा से अधिक पाई गई।
- फैक्ट्री मे एटप संयंत्र से उपचारित पानी को पेड़ पौधों को सींचने के काम मे लिया जा रहा था जो उत्पादन आरंभ करने की अनुमति मे लिखी गई शर्तों का उल्लंघन है।
- लैड की सिल्लियों को खुले मे रखा हुआ था।
- आक्साइड, ग्रिड कास्टिंग व पेस्ट बनाने के कॉमन स्टैक मे लैड की मात्रा १५.२ मिली ग्राम प्रति घन मीटर पाई गई
- प्लांट के पश्चिम की ओर पानी के टैंक के पास हवा के अत्यधिक प्रदूषण पाया गया। मानक मात्रा 100ug/m3 होती है जबकि वहाँ यह मात्रा 150 ug/m3 थी
- फॉर्मैशन ऐसिड की रीसाइक्लिंग के लिए बनाये गड्ढे मे जमा ऐसिड और फैक्ट्री के फर्श को धोने पर एकत्रित पानी को बगैर उपचारित किए बरसाती नाले मे छोड़ा जा रहा था। यह प्रदूषित पानी पास के गाँव के पानी के टैंक मे पहुँच कर उसे भी प्रदूषित कर रहा था।
नीचे फैक्ट्री बंद करने का पूरा आदेश प्रकाशित किया जा रहा है जिसमे प्रदूषण विभाग की पूरी कार्यवाही, जांच मे विभिन्न स्थानों से प्राप्त लैड की मात्र के आँकड़े दिए गए हैं ।
आदेश अंग्रेजी भाषा मे है। अगर आपको कहीं कुछ समझने की आवश्यकता हो तो मुझे व्हाट्सप्प नंबर 9910268067 पर मैसेज भेज सकते हैं
order no. 635/APPCB/HO/UH-II/TF/TPT/2021 dt. _.04.2021
Closure Order
Sub.: APPPCB UH-II TF – M/s. Amar Raja Batteries limited. (Industrial and automotive divisions). Karkambadi (V), Renigunta (M), Chittoor district, inspection by the board officials on. 25.02.2021 and 25.03.2021. – Non-Compliance of CFO Conditions. EAC meeting held on 22.04.2021- closure order issued - Reg.
- CFO orders. Dt 13.10.2014. and. Dt. 30.11.2016 were auto renewed wide order dated 27.09.2017, which is varied up to 30.09.2022.
- Inspection of the industry by the Board officials on 07.01.2021.
- Show cause notice issued to the industry on 29.01.2021.
- Your reply to the show cause notice dated 16.02.2021.
- EAC meeting held on 18.02.2021.
- Inspection of the industry by the Board official on 25.02.2021, 26.02.2021, 27.02.2021 and on 25.03.2021 and 26.03.2021.
- Show cause notice issued to the industry dated 06.04.2021.
- Reply to the show cause notice dated 18.04.2021 received on 20.04.2021.
- Blood level analysis report furnished by National Referral Centre for LED project in India. Bangalore.
- EAC meeting head on. 22.04.2021.
Whereas You are operating the Industry in the name M/s Amar Raja Batteries. (Industrial and automotive divisions). Karkambadi (V), Renigunta (M), Chittoor district involved in the manufacturer of batteries.
Whereas You have obtained CFO & HWA of the board vide reference. 1st Cited to manufacture industrial batteries - 2.6 M nos./ annum, Automotive batteries - 6.2 M nos./ annum, 2 Wheeler batteries 10.5 M nos./ annum
Whereas the Board randomly constituted the terms for inspection of Certain polluting industries and. Accordingly, large. No of industries were inspected by the terms.
Whereas the board issued Show cause notice to industries observed with major non compliances.
Whereas the board reviewed the industries in the External Advisory Committee meeting on 18.02.2021 and issued. Closure orders to some industries. Directions to some industries and recommended for re -inspection of some industries.
Whereas the board officials inspected M/s. Amara Raja batteries, (Industrial and automotive divisions). Karkambadi (V), Renigunta (M), Chittoor district on 07.01.2021 and observed certain non-compliances.
Whereas the board issued show cause notice to the industry date 29.01.2021.
Whereas you have submitted reply to the show cause Notice date 16.02.2021.
Whereas vide reference 5th Cited. you are given opportunity before the External Advisory Committee on. 18.02.2021 and the committee recommended for re-inspection by the special terms to. Evaluate the non-compliance of CEO condition.
Whereas vide ref. 6th cited. The special terms constituted by the board, inspected the industry and. Observed the following:
- The Value of Lead in the common stack attached to oxide and grid casters & Paste preparation Section (LVRLA Plant) is 15.2 mg/NM3 and Particulate matter is 38.7mf/NM3 against the standard of 10 mg/NM3 and 25 mg/NM3 respectively (monitored on 27.02.2021).
- The value of PM 10 in the Ambient Air as per the Ambient Air quality monitoring conducted near water tank in west direction of the plant is 150 ug/m3 against the standard of 100ug/m3 (monitored on 27.02.2021)
- The value of lead in the treated waste water from the outlet of the ETP at SBD unit is 0.119 mg/I against the standard of 0.1 mg/I.
- The sample of water Collected from the WRS Formation drain near LVRLA office is 0.128 mg/I against the standard of 0.1 mg/I. (collected on 25.02.2021)
- The water sample Collected from the pond outside the industry premises has lead 0.0226 mg/I against the acceptable standard of 0.01mg/l (drinking water standard). The sample has COD of 192 Mg/I.
- The Water sample Collected from the lake in north east direction of the plant has lead 0.0889 mg/I against the acceptable standard of 0.01mg/l (drinking water standard). The sample has COD 104 mg/I.
- As per the analysis reports of the samples collected, the concentration of the lead in the untreated sewage illegally discharging into storm water drains is 2.10 mg/lit and in the partially treated sewage the concentration of the lead is 0.346 mg/lit (prescribed discharge standard for lead concentration in the treated wastewater is 0.1 mg/lit). The lead levels in the STP sludge is also indicating contamination of domestic wastewater with the lead presence in raw sewage and treated domestic wastewater.
- It was observed from the monitoring reports that the blood lead in 99.9% of employees (3533 nos) is exceeding the acceptable level of the 10 mcg/dl.
- During the Inspection sample were collected from storm water drain, sludge samples from naidu Cheruvu at two locations and at Gollapalli village (downstream of naidu cheruvu)
From the above, It was inferred that the higher concentration of the lead levels in the soil sample is clearly indicating that the lead accumulation in the soil occurred due to application of treated waste water having lead traces, spillages and also caused stratification of the heavy metals in the soil, thereby causing contamination runoff and also draining the lead into surface water tank existing in the downstream of the industry. (As per the MoEF document, i.e. guidelines document for the assessment and remediation of contaminated site in India, March 2015, the permissible concentration of lead is 70 mg/kg. for agriculture use)
- As per the analysis report of the sludge samples collected from Naidu Charuvu existing at the downstream of the industry, which is also immediate recipient of the stormwater runoff, treated or untreated industrial effluents/ Savage indicating lead level of 24.4. mg/kg and 704mg/kg respectively, indicating contamination of water body with lead.
- In view of the ambiguous pattern of flow metres maintained by the industry for water consumption/ wastewater generation, verifiable data is not available with the industry to assess the water consumption / wastewater generation.
- The industry has not maintained quantitative flow sheet of water balance for three production divisions. When compared with the quantities mentioned in the CFO order, The water consumption and waste water quantities were not at all matching at side table, As per details furnished by the industry during inspection.
- The industry has not provided clarifier for AB division, thus the ATP for AB division is not a full-fledged one.
- The industry is utilising treated trade affiliates for gardening instead of reuse in the process, violating CFO conditions.
- The stormwater drains are connected to Karakambadi Tank to discharge storm water during rainy season. Whereas the stormwater drain was found with traces of effluents during non-rainy seasons, So there is every possibility of bypassing the effluents Into the Karakambadi tank.
- The industry has not provided covered shed for storing the lead ingots.
- The industry is not meeting the prescribed discharge standard. As per the analysis reports of the treated sewage sample collected on 26th March 2021, the value of BOD is 40 mg/l against the standard of 20 mg/lt.
- The industry has disconnected the pump at formation acid recycling pit (ABD) and not treating / Recycling the effluent. It was observed that pipes conveying the floor washings, Process Condensate and Other wastewater at several location is directly connected to storm water drain and large quantities of wastewater flow observed in the storm water drain at the time of the inspection, which is being discharged outside the premises and joining into water tank in downstream (locally called Naidu Cheruvu). As per the analysis report of the samples collected, the lead level is 0.083 mg /LIT and 0.063 Mg /Lit In the drain, adjacent to ETP and waste sample of Naidu Cheruvu.
- It was observed that the industry is utilising the treated wastewater from the individual units for Green belt development / Avenue plantation along with treated sewage and RO rejects. As per the analysis report of the soil samples, inlet and outlet of STP, STP Sludges the lead level in these samples, indicating that the treated waste water and applications of the treated effluent for green belt development resulting in accumulation of lead concentration in the soil. Further the accumulated pollutant are potential to cause contamination of the run off, thereby resulting in soil contamination and run off path.
- The board is stipulated a condition in CFO order dated. 30.11.2016 to construct and Commission the additional ETP of 100 CLD capacity before September. 2017. But the industry has not constructed and commissioned the additional ATP, not complied with CFO conditions. The ATP sludge is packed in PP woven sack bags and stored Openly. Closed shed was not provided for storage of the same.
- The industry has provided STP of 500 M3 capacity to cater domestic wastewater generated from industry and nearby Township. During the inspection on 25.3.2021, It was observed that the industry has laid 2 number of underground pipelines from STP to storm water drain, leading to a water tank. The industry is indulging in illegal discharge of untreated domestic wastewater, bypassing the treatment in STP through one pipeline and through other pipeline they were discharging partially treated domestic waste water from the STP in storm water drain, thereby violated the CFO issue by the board.
- Whereas the board officials collected the blood samples for presence of led and tested by National Referral Centre for Lead (pb) projects in India (NRCLPI) End found the values to be far in excess of the standard. (10 ug/dl.) The blood lead value have exceeded in villagers by 30%. The excess lead values in blood samples of the surrounding villagers shows. That the operation of your unit is endangering the public health.
Whereas from the above observations of the board officials. It was observed that you are. Polluting the ambient. air. Lead in the common stack, measured on. 27.02.2021 is. 15.2 mg/NM3 Against the standard of 10 mg/NM3. Discharging the untreated wastewater into drains, polluting the water. Sample of the. Water collected from the WRS formation drain near LVRLA office is. 0.128 mg/I against. The standard of 0.1 mg/l, untreated sewage illegally. discharging into storm water drain is. 2.10mg/lit. causing soil. Pollution lead value 704 mg/kg against the MOEF. Stipulated screening value of Lead. concentration in soil 70 mg/kg for agriculture.
Whereas the presence of lead in human body will cause severe damage of various organs of human body which is observed by the multi. Disciplinary committee report. On the recent public health issue in Eluru.
Where is. From the above, it is observed that you are caring the operations, violating the CFO conditions. And polluting the environment and end endangering the public health.
Whereas the board issued Show-cause notice to the industry date 06.04.2021 mentioning the above non compliances.
Whereas you have submitted reply to the Show cause Notice date 18.04.2021 received on 20.04.2021.
Whereas you are called for the legal hearing on 22.04.2021, before the External Advisory Committee and given on opportunity. For hearing before the committee. The committee observed. That the industry is violating. Several conditions of the board.
Where is under the principle of natural justice. The industry was given. Several opportunities.
After detailed discussing the committee recommended for issue of Closure order. The board, Hereby issue, Closure order to M/s Amara Raja batteries. (Industrial and automotive divisions). Karkambadi (V), Renigunta (M), Chittoor district for noncompliance of the CFO. Conditions under section 33. (A) of water (Prevention and control of pollution) Amendment Act. 1988 and under section 31 (A) of air (prevention and control of Pollution) Amendment Act. 1987 and under Hazardous Waste (management and transboundary movements) rules, 2016.
M/s A.P.S.P.D.C.L., has been Requested to disconnect the power supply to M/s. Amara Raja batteries. (Industrial and Automotive divisions) Karkambadi (V) Renigunta (M) Chittoor district.
You are further directed. To take note that if you continue to operate your unit after receipt of this order, you will be liable for prosecution U/s 41 of water (prevention and control of pollution) Act 1974 and amendments. Thereof and U/s 37 (l) Of air (prevention and control of Pollution) Act 1981 and amendments. Thereof, the punishment under this section. Will be imprisonment for a Term Which shall not be less than one year six months but which may extend to six years and with fine.
You are also directed to take note that the. Ms. A.P.S.P.D.C..L., Has been ordered to disconnect. Electricity supply to your unit with immediate effect. Should you resort to operate your unit by means of diesel generator or any machine mechanical device you will be attracting Prosecution U/s 41 of water (prevention and control of pollution) Act 1974 and amendments. Thereof and U/s 37 (l) of air (prevention and control of Pollution) Act 1981 and amendments thereof.
This order comes into effect from today.i.e. 04.2021
Member secretary.
M/s. Amara Raja batteries limited (Industrial and automotive divisions)
Karkambadi (V),
Renigunta (M),
Chittoor District
Copy to:
The joint Chief, Environmental engineers. Zonal office, Kurnool for information and necessary action.
The Environmental Engineer, Regional office, Tirupati, Chittoor District for information and necessary action - it is directed to submit Compliance report within 24 hours.