Tag: Battery industry
बोली में ऊर्जा भंडारण की लागत 10.18 रुपये प्रति किलोवाट...
बैटरी ऊर्जा भंडारण के लिए वीजीएफ और पीएलआई से भंडारण की लागत कम होने की उम्मीद: केंद्रीय ऊर्जा और नवीन एवं अक्षय ऊर्जा मंत्री
Empowering Our World: Unveiling the Advantages of the Battery...
The battery sector has grown to be a vital component in our contemporary society, energizing a diverse range of devices and systems....
Commercial vehicles get real-time data tracking- FasTag,...
With the help of FasTag and RFID government has provided GST officers with real-time data of commercial vehicle movements on the highway,...
Mr Saleem passed away: Covid fury continues.
It is a misery to lose a human being like Mr. Saleem who used to teach about the technicality and efficiency of batteries moreover...
You will be remembered- Dr. Mahwar.
The demise of Dr. Mahwar is a definite irreparable void for the battery industry. What even Sadden more that his wife Mrs.Mahwar...
Revolutionary Liquid Metal - Magnesium and Antimony Metal...
Liquid Metal Battery (LMB) is combination of 2 metals- Magnesium and Antimony. The founder Professor Donald Sadoway claims its life...
Reasons of Closure order to the Amaron
The order for closedown of the factory of the Amaron battery was enormously shocking. If we look from every phase, Amar Raja is remembered...